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Jocelyn’s Blog
Note from the editor

I invest money and time in making high tech startups successful. I get to work with teams and products I believe in, every day. I’ve spent my career building software during high-growth years at VMware and Facebook (and a couple startups). My teams and I have built middleware, distributed systems, big data powered ranking systems, operating systems, web and mobile apps, and developer tools. I really love digging into the “systems problems” that come up when people work together to ship software. No two situations are alike thanks to the intersection of business model, technology stack, software development methodology, people, and culture. Still, just like in software systems design, you can find helpful patterns (and anti-patterns) which I look forward to exploring in my blog. To learn more about my investing activities see: https://angel.co/jeg

Go to the profile of Jocelyn Goldfein
Jocelyn Goldfein
Currently: Zetta Venture Partners. Formerly: Angel Investor, Engineer @ Facebook, VMware, Startups, Trilogy.